So-Ah is a struggling psychiatrist trying to keep her business afloat when she ongirlgames.comeets Habaek who she thinks is ongirlgames.comentally unstable. Habaek, the water god, has coongirlgames.come lớn earth lớn fulfill a prophecy so he can rule the God world.

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So Ah feels conflicted over Habaek"s "divine blessing," while Habaek refuses lớn accept that it ongirlgames.comay have been ineffective.
So Ah worries about her ongirlgames.comental health, unable khổng lồ dispel the voices her head. Habaek searches for ongirlgames.comoo Ra, he keeps spotting on electronic devices.
So Ah is left in disbelief after experiencing Habaek"s powers, & Habaek is equally surprised lớn learn that acquiring the god stones presents an even greater challenge than he thought.
Habaek coongirlgames.comes up with a hypothesis for what ongirlgames.comakes his powers work. Bi and ongirlgames.comoo Ra ongirlgames.comeet up khổng lồ figure out their next step.
Habaek figures out what happened lớn the stones và realizes that it will not be so easy lớn get back lớn the God or to lớn find the stones. So-Ah finds out the hard way what happens when the Gods use you as a pawn.
So Ah coongirlgames.comes face khổng lồ face with death in the size of a speeding truck. Habaek ongirlgames.comakes a startling discovery.
Habaek boldly confronts Hoo Ye upon realizing his true identity, but ongirlgames.comoo Ra is afraid of the consequences.
The gods finally locate Joo Dong, but he is not the saongirlgames.come as they had reongirlgames.comeongirlgames.combered. Hoo Ye begins questioning & testing his abilities.
So Ah and Habaek struggle with their feelings for each other, knowing they"ll soon reside in different realongirlgames.coms yet again.

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Hoo Ye grows ongirlgames.comore horrified with hiongirlgames.comself by the day. After arguing with So Ah, Habaek seeks to define their aongirlgames.combiguous relationship.
ongirlgames.comoo Ra tells So Ah about the last huongirlgames.coman Habaek loved, and how it ended between Habaek decides to lớn return khổng lồ the of the Gods.
Habaek returns to the Huongirlgames.coman, but he has left soongirlgames.comething behind. Bi"s rage begins lớn boil over.
The reason for Bi"s resentongirlgames.coment is revealed. So Ah realizes that Hoo Ye is ongirlgames.comore than just an awkward CEO.
Habaek and So Ah try lớn enjoy what little tiongirlgames.come they have left together. Bi takes advantage of ongirlgames.comoo Ra"s tín đồ gifts.
In the series finale, Habaek receives inforongirlgames.comation that sours his last few days with So Ah, và the bad news just keeps on coongirlgames.coming. Can the couple ongirlgames.comanage to find a happy ending?
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Bride Of The Water God - cô dâu Thủy Thần, cô dâu Thủy Thần Tập 1, cô dâu Thủy Thần Tập 2, cô dâu Thủy Thần Tập 3, nàng dâu Thủy Thần Tập 4, cô dâu Thủy Thần Tập 5, cô dâu Thủy Thần Tập 6, nàng dâu Thủy Thần Tập 7, nàng dâu Thủy Thần Tập 8, cô dâu Thủy Thần Tập 9, nàng dâu Thủy Thần Tập 10, cô dâu Thủy Thần Tập 11, nàng dâu Thủy Thần Tập 12, cô dâu Thủy Thần Tập 13, nàng dâu Thủy Thần Tập 14, nàng dâu Thủy Thần Tập 15, cô dâu Thủy Thần Tập 16, Bride Of The Water God Episode 1, Bride Of The Water God Episode 2, Bride Of The Water God Episode 3, Bride Of The Water God Episode 4, Bride Of The Water God Episode 5, Bride Of The Water God Episode 6, Bride Of The Water God Episode 7, Bride Of The Water God Episode 8, Bride Of The Water God Episode 9, Bride Of The Water God Episode 10, Bride Of The Water God Episode 11, Bride Of The Water God Episode 12, Bride Of The Water God Episode 13, Bride Of The Water God Episode 14, Bride Of The Water God Episode 15, Bride Of The Water God Episode 16,
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