The National Provider Indetifier (NPI) became the national standard identifier in May 2007.

Bạn đang xem: Upin & ipin: truyền thuyết thần đao

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has developed the National Plan và Provider Enumeration System (NPPES) to lớn assign unique identifiers to health care providers. The NPPES files contain all of the FOIA-disclosable data for active & deactivated providers in NPPES.

The source NPPES files for 2008 on contain up khổng lồ 50 other identifiers per NPI which can have any of the following types:

1 Other2 Medicare UPIN4 Medicare ID-Type Unspecified5 Medicaid6 Medicare Oscar/Certification7 Medicare NSC8 Medicare PIN

Jean Roth created the NPI lớn UPIN crosswalk below from the National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES) downloadable data tệp tin for greater ease of use. An NPI can và often does have more than one UPIN associated with it. The crosswalk includes identifiers of any stated type if they look lượt thích a UPIN. That is, if they begin with a letter followed by five digits.

One limitation this dataset is that the provider had lớn include their old UPIN on the NPI application in order for the UPIN to lớn appear here.


Another limitation is that CMS stopped delivering the medicare other provider identifers in January 2018. The files here are based on the December 2017 delivery.

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To keep only records for individuals, I suggest dropping records with upintype == 4 (Group UPIN) or entity == 2 (Entity is an Organization, not an Individual).

The upintype and pcredential variables may be helpful for identifying and keeping only providers of certain types.

UPIN types are the following:1 "Medical Doctors (Medical Doctors và Doctors of Osteopathy) (Char 1 UPIN A-M)"2 "Non-physician Practicioners (Such as Anesthesia Assistants, Physician Assistants, Clinical Nurse Practioners) (Char 1 UPIN P-S)"3 "Other Doctors (Such as Chiropractors, Dentists, Podiatrists, và Optometrists) (Char 1 UPIN T-V)"4 "Group UPIN UPIN (Char 1 UPIN W-Z)"

The pcredential variable contains the credential information (e.g. M.D., D.O.) from the NPI Application form.

Processed versions of the source NPPES data these files are made from và an NPI to lớn state license crosswalk, và an NPI khổng lồ Medicare crosswalk & an NPI lớn Medicaid crosswalk are also available.


Updates & changes.

December 2017 -- Last delivery with fuller range of Medicare Other Provider Identifier Type Codes






npi2upinxw.dta npi2upinxw.sas7bdat npi2upin.csv desc_npi2upin.txt
upin2npixw.dta upin2npixw.sas7bdat upin2npi.csv desc_upin2npi.txt






npi2upinxw.dta npi2upinxw.sas7bdat npi2upin.csv desc_npi2upin.txt
upin2npixw.dta upin2npixw.sas7bdat upin2npi.csv desc_upin2npi.txt

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