
How To vì The IELTS Listening Test


Hey there! This is former IELTS examiner Tim James here, and I am going khổng lồ cover how to vày the IELTS listening test. Here's what you need to do:

Listen khổng lồ the recording và all instructions carefully. Underline keyword in the questions & try khổng lồ predict what the answers might be. Listen to the recording & write down the answers at the same time watching out for synonyms & distractors. Transfer your answers lớn the answer sheet at the end.

Bạn đang xem: Ielts listening skills, tips, strategies

Obviously, there is a lot more khổng lồ it than that. So, on this page I am going to teach you the exact same strategies, techniques, tips, và practice và preparation techniques that have proven to lớn work for thousands of my former students.

You can jump straight khổng lồ different sections of the page on the liên kết below:

IELTS Listening chạy thử format

IELTS listening question types

IELTS listening skills

IELTS listening strategies

IELTS listening tips

IELTS listening practice questions

IELTS listening useful links

IELTS Listening Format

The IELTS Listening format consists of 4 sections of 10 questions each & takes approximately 30 minutes, there is an additional 10 minutes for you khổng lồ transfer your answers on khổng lồ the answer sheet provided.

Section 1 - A conversation in an everyday social context between two people, such as a telephone conversation between a travel agent & a customer booking a holiday. How To vì chưng IELTS Listening Part 1 

Section 2 - A monologue on a topic relating to general social needs, for example, someone giving a speech about recycling in the community. How To vày IELTS Listening Part 2

Section 3 - A conversation in an academic context between two or more people. This could be a university student discussing their essay with a tutor. How To do IELTS Listening Part 3

 Section 4 - A lecture or talk (monologue) on a topic of general academic interest. It could be a University professor giving a lecture about a particular science topic. How To vị IELTS Listening Part 4

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IELTS Listening Question Types

What Types Of Questions Are In The IELTS Listening Test?

You will find a variety of different types of questions in the test. You can see examples of all of these in the không tính tiền samples listed in the next section, however the main question types are:

1. Multiple choice - Choose an answer A,B or C.

2. Matching - Match a list of items from the speaker khổng lồ a menu of options on the answer paper.

3. Plan/map/diagram labeling - add names/labels to lớn parts of a visual.

4. Form/note/table/flow chart/summary completion - Fill in gaps in the script of the recording. Usually they will be the main ideas/points. This question type may also come in the form of a flow chart, notes, table or form.

5. Sentence completion - read sentences that give an overview of important information from either all of the listening text or from just one small part of it. Your task is lớn enter information in lớn a gap in sentences, using information that you have heard.

6. Short-answer questions - independently write a short answer based on information you have heard from the recording.

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IELTS Listening Skills

What Listening Skills Are Being Tested?

There are 5 different listening skills that are being tested. Knowing what these skill as và how they are used in the exam can help you practice more efficiently.

Predicting: Using your knowledge of a topic and the situation to guess what speakers are talking about.

Identifying key words: You need lớn be able khổng lồ identify the most important words in a sentence to understand its meaning. This is often done by listening for tone of voice & the intonation that a speaker uses.

Listening for specific information: Often we listen for one or more important pieces of information, such as a place name in a weather forecast or a number in a television advert. Being able lớn ignore unimportant information và focus on that specific information is an important skill.

The ability khổng lồ listen to và identify synonyms and paraphrases for what you are looking for is also important. For example, a question might ask how many days will it rain for & the speaker might use the phrase ‘wet weather’ rather than rain.

Listening intensively: This skill is used when everything the speaker says is important. This could be when instructions are being explained such as when a salesman is explaining to you how lớn use the new I-pad you have just bought.

Identifying attitudes of speakers: This means working out what the speaker is actually thinking or feeling even though they might not say something directly.

For example, if someone says ‘isn’t that a bit expensive?’ they aren’t asking that question, they are really saying that they think that thing is expensive. Tone of voice and intonation play a role here.

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